Signed Copy of Appalachian Trials

Signed Appalachian Trials

Appalachian Trials ft. the apathetic lion

One question I receive on a frequent basis is, “Who are you and why are you dancing like that?”

Another question I receive with less regularity:

“How can I get a signed copy of Appalachian Trials?”

Well today – we have the answer (to the book, I can’t explain the dancing).

If you’re interested in procuring a copy of Appalachian Trials for yourself or a loved one, and would like for the author to scribble on it, he will gladly do that.  If you want him to draw a picture of animal, he will do that too.  If you want him to write a poem about seashells, he will also do that.  The possibilities are finite, but still fairly expansive.  All for the price of $30.  That’s two pizzas.  Or 1/1,700th of a Ford F150.  What would you do with .06% of a truck anyway?  Probably drive to Barnes and Noble to get a non-signed copy of Appalachian Trials. Unfortunately, that’s not enough truck to get to the book store.

$30 – US Shipping Only
