November 2010

Interview with “The Oatmeal’s” Matthew Inman

Interview with Matthew Inman, Creator of The Oatmeal

One reoccurring theme on this site (other teaching you how to make your cat a celebrity) is an undying conviction that aligning your hobbies with your life’s work is the only way to live life.

But why take my word on it?  Instead take Matthew Inman’s.

For the few of you who aren’t already familiar with Inman’s immensely popular website The Oatmeal, I encourage you to dedicate a few hours to digging through his hilarious comics.  Formerly, just a skilled hobby of his, Inman now dedicates his full-time work towards The Oatmeal, and is thriving in his efforts.

A big thanks to Matt for taking the time to answer my questions.  Be sure to stop by his store and buy a bunch of stuff for all of your friends and family for Xmas and the rest of the lesser holidays.  Without further ado I now present you…

Oatview: An Interview with “The Oatmeal’s” Creator, Matthew Inman

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The Power of Reciprocity [Video]

the power of reciprocity image

As is usually the case, I greatly underestimated how long it would take to produce this video.  If you withdrew even one ounce of joy, education, hatred, or stimulation, I would very much appreciate it if you could click one of the fun social media “share” buttons located around the page.  I’ll reciprocate next time [winky face].

The Power of Reciprocity from zach davis on Vimeo.

For those who are interested in learning more on how to utilize psychology to get people to do things for you, I recommend you get Robert B. Cialdini’s Influence: The Psychology of Persusaion.

Also, the song is Merry Man by Buddy Ross, a new personal favorite of mine.  Buy a bunch of his music and tell him how awesome he is on Twitter.

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