
The Sports Division


Today, while sitting on the airplane, I noticed a guy sitting across the aisle from me, who I hated. It was a decision that I made in the blink (shout out to M. Gladwell) of an eye, without him ever talking, looking, or really even acknowledging me in any way. I knew I hated him before I consciously could describe anything about him. After two seconds of trying to make sense of this seemingly baseless hatred, it came to me. He was wearing an Ohio State University hat. Read more

Start Bending the News

The Sinatra lyric…?  Anyone?


This will be a quick post – I’ll let the videos do the talking.  But this is just a reminder of how dangerous it is when we instill our faith in the media as an objective source of information.  By far and away the most influential television news source, Fox News, continually bends reality to fit their ideals.  Want proof?  Jon Stewart reports…

And Fox News’ response…

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Sean Hannity Apologizes to Jon
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Health Care Crisis

A Season Veteran

San Diego Zach Davis

10/28/09 12:46 PST

Currently, I’m on a flight from San Diego to Madison (yes, voluntarily), when it suddenly occured to me, “what would a trip back home be without a hyperbolic weather rant?

I predict this might be the worst one yet.  I believe this because yesterday, in San Diego, the afternoon’s high was 67 degrees. If that same scenario occurred last year, I would have had no choice but to sun bath in my speedo, likely for all hours while there was still visible daylight.

This year? As ashamed as I am to admit, I had the nerve to complain about the “frigid air” to more more than one person. I could actually feel the 2008 Zach Davis punch the 2009 Zach Davis right in the gut. Thankfully 2008 ZD hits like a girl.

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I’ve got a friend who’s a giant fan of mustaches.  Why?  Because he’s a guy.

He’s also a fan of being a good person (this is where the similarities between the two of us end).

This year he’s joining a cause to combine these two passions.  If you’re interested in growing a mustache or trying to kick prostate cancer’s ass then please visit the below link.

Mustache’s Are Strong Enough to Beat Cancer.

I Love to Hate Love

The Good Badger

Let’s play a little word association, shall we?

When I say the word, “Titanic”, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?

If you used the words, “Celine Dion”, “nausea”, “miserable love story”, or any combination of the aforementioned terms, or their synonyms, then you’ll probably agree with what’s going to follow. Read more

U$A’s Future


Dear America,

Is it just me, or are more and more of our top students basing their major upon making money?

And when I say, “is it just me”, I mean that literally.  Even before I went to college I knew I wanted to be a business major.  Why?  Because I liked psychology.

I know, I know, there’s a major for that.  I decided against it very early on because, without dedicating the better part of a decade to additional education, a psychology major has no guarantee of making any money.  Some might say that’s a smart decision.  Others might consider it greedy.  They’re both right. Read more

2016: Chicago A No-Go

A few days ago it was announced that Chicago will not be hosting the 2016 Summer Olympics. In fact, of all the cities that that made the final cut, we (I’m from 1.5 hours outside Chicago, I round up to say we) finished dead last. In other words, Chicago couldn’t even land the bronze….ouch.

If there was one word that could summarize their IOC’s decision, at least from an American standpoint, it would have to be surprise. By many’s estimations, Chicago was the front runner to host the summer games. Not winning it was unexpected, but to be the first eliminated…well I’m going to need Tony Harris’ help in expressing this… Read more

The Death of Wayfarer


I figured if Jay-Z had the authority to kill off autotune, then someone of my stature surely could do the same for the most over-abused trend since the Livestrong bracelet.  Judging by your superior ability to read titles, you likely already know that I’m referring to the Ray-Ban (or replicated rip-off) wayferer sunglasses.  You know what I’m talking about. I know you do. You’ve seen it a thousand times (assuming you’ve only seen 1,400 people in the last two years). Read more