Madison tag

Google Fiber to Madison, Wisconsin

Watch this video, then meet me down below.

See why I spend so much time loving Google?  1 GB/second Internet connections?  Lady Gaga on ChatRoullette never looked so good. 

Selfishly, I would campaign for San Diego, but a) we’re over the 500,000 person limit and b) I missed the deadline (3.26). 

If timing is everything, this post is nothing.

But I would like to point out a great pitch made from my former home, Madison, WI, as the lucky recipient of the magical Google Fiber.  The pitch can be found at the Powered Green Blog, home of the green laptop.  If high transfer speeds can remedy intolerable winters, I might be moving back… 

Good luck.

The Midwest is Wasted

Not too much ambiguity with this title. 

To confirm an earlier post, about alcoholism and the Midwest

Take a look at this map:

Bars versus Grocery Stores

(Thanks to Flowing Data)

In this picture, the red dots represent the areas where bars out number grocery stores.  These dots nearly trace the Wisconsin state line perfectly.  Notice how Madison, WI appears to be at the epicenter of the sea of alcoholics red (probably no coincidence in their color selection).   I’d be willing to bet that in some areas of state, the bar per capita ratio reaches above 1.0, but unfortunately I have no science to back that up (only four years of experience). 

At least they haven’t named their professional sports teams after drinking.  Oh, wait….